Cania Dam Bass Electric Tournament

Recently I spent the weekend pre-fishing Cania Dam for the Cania Bass Electric Tournament. Well, the time for the comp had finally come, so “How did it go?” you may ask.

Well, the lead-up during the week before saw near perfect conditions – hot, calm, windless days, but come tournament time, a severe weather change had come around. With cloudy, overcast days, 20-25 knot winds and rain squalls, we knew that it would be tough as bass don’t like those quick weather changes.

This is a two-day event, and the first session was on the Saturday afternoon from noon to 7.00pm, so 25 boats, powered by electric motors only, lined up for a start. Off we went, all to the secret spots we had pre-fished a couple of weeks before, and man, the fishing was tough!

We all made our way back to weigh-in to see what how the fishing went for the first session and there were only five bass caught. Mega-tough fishing!

So, it was back to camp to charge up the batteries for the electric motors, and a chat over a few beers to work out our tactics for the next day. A bit of sleep, then up at 4.00am to get our gear ready for a 5.30am start.

We were all on the water again, waiting for the starting horn, and off we go again, to fish some new areas to try to locate some fish. Most boats used their sounders to find the schools of bass, but getting them to bite was again very hard. Small lures seemed to be the best with little Blades and TN50 Jackalls being hot favourites. Weigh-in was at 11.00am and anglers had more success in the last session, with about fifteen fish caught.

The weights of the bass caught were so close, we were all anxious to see who had won. Local bass angler, Rob Hinton was the man, winning Overall Angler Heaviest Bass. Rob took away a nice cash prize and a couple of bags of goodies. Good on ya’ Rob!

Next time we hope the weather is a bit kinder for the tournament.

Till next time,
Tim Mulhall