From all weather predictions, this weekend is the time to head well offshore and find some reef fish and spanish mackerel. Preparation is the key to any trip, so make sure you are well stocked with all the bait and tackle you’ll need.
With the winds not reaching more than 10 knots you should be able to venture out and enjoy a day’s fishing. Sunday may reach 10-15 knots, so be out early.
The Burnett River is still producing quality bream especially around the rock walls and oyster beds. Early cold mornings should get you a good haul. Bream really like mullet gut or chook gut! It fires them into a feeding frenzy.
There are still some salmon being taken on live baits if you can get them. Fishing the estuaries is certainly an option as well.
The Elliott River and Coonarr systems, especially around the entrances will hold good flathead, but whiting have been a bit hit and miss. Flathead are ambush predators that will sit on the edges of drop-offs and will readily pounce on passing soft plastics and small diving lures.
Don’t be afraid to throw a surface lure such as a popper. Flathead will hit a surface lure. This visual style of fishing is amazing.
Prawns have been showing up in patches at the Woodgate beaches. If you are there at the right time when it is quiet you should get a feed of prawns. Get your cast net out, fix any holes and be ready for when they show up.
Skyringville will fish well on a run-out tide especially fishing around fallen timber structure for whiting and flathead. You will get some over-sized grunter strikes, so be prepared for a good fight on light gear.
Offhore fishing would be the way to go this weekend, so get up early and get into some snapper, reds, reefies and mackerel. Everything should be on the chew.
Good fishing,
Brett Robinson