Fish Report - 22nd May 2014

Fish Report – 22nd May 2014

With the weather up and down at present, we are mostly restricted to fishing our local estuaries and impoundments. For something different, you might like to try Lake Gregory which at the moment is producing good sized bass out in the deeper waters. These fish are great fun on light tackle using spinnerbaits; especially around timber structures. Get in close and slowly work your lures back to your boat. Having an electric motor will certainly help you stay in the area you are targeting. The silent and stealthy approach is a must when going into shallower areas targeting not only bass but a number of other species such as barra.

Our local Burnett River continues to fish brilliantly with bream, grunter and king salmon the main fish being caught in good numbers. Livies are the best bait but, of course you can still throw a sinking blade lure or even a favourite soft plastic. They will happily take these as well.

We have had many reports that the port area is producing well. King salmon up to one metre, bream up to 40cm with grunter is good numbers.. Prawns are also showing up in places, especially near the creek mouths at the bottom of the tide. Your bigger predatory fish will also be nearby stalking these prawns, so it is also worthwhile flicking a lure around in case there is a barra roaming about.

Mackerel species have quietened down a bit now that it is getting cooler. Snapper are well worth a look now that it is coming into prime time to target them. Any of the inshore reefs will always hold snapper and the outer reefs as well. Always have a floating bait set. You never know when a roaming Spanish or cobia will come through and take off like a steam train.

There are many places to try for a fish and if you like barra fishing, then Lake Monduran is also worth a look. Our local guru, Dale Smith, has been having excellent sessions on the barra on good quality suspending lures. The water temperature is still good. Barra don’t like sudden changes in water temperature and it will soon get cooler, so if you want some tail dancing barra action, then I suggest that you make a trip to Monduran and hook up with a big barra very soon.

Keep an ear out for the prawns that we expect to show up at Woodgate soon too. There are generally good runs of them and you can get your quota in no time. So patch up any holes in these cast nets and get ready for when they turn up.

Happy fishing everyone. We will see you on the water.

Brett Robinson