Well, the weeks just keep passing us by and so does the weather, with wind, rain and some calm seas in the local Bundaberg area thrown in, just to keep us on our toes.
On the calmer days the big trailer boats all head offshore to get amongst the reefies, and some great catches have been taken. Big red emperor, coral trout, cod, parrot and sweetlip have all been caug,t just to name a few. Snapper are still on the chew with the likes of the Fifteen Mile Gutter and the Cochrane Artificial Reef producing the best results. Drifting out lightly weighted baits such as mullet fillet or whole squid has produced the best snapper.
The local river mouths are producing some great fishing, and school mackerel and tailor have been the common catches. Trolling Flasha lures has produced best results.
The upper reaches of the creeks and rivers are still producing some red hot fishing. Blue salmon have been moving about and using live prawns or spratt has fooled these fish.
There are still good numbers of bream being caught with some measuring 42cm long. These are great bream! A few anglers have been using some baits a bit out of the ordinary for these bream, and doing really well with chicken breast and diced up steak – unusual but it has been working.
Flathead and whiting have been on the sand flats so this will be worth a look also.
The bass have schooled up on the deeper areas of the local dams and impoundments, so targeting them with Jackall and soft plastics will be the go.
The barra are still very quiet due to the cold water temperatures, so persistence will pay off.
Till next time,
Tim Mulhall
Tackle World Bundaberg Fishing Team