Fish Report - 27th September 2013

With the weather forecast not looking too bad for this weekend, I suggest a good place to try to catch a fish might be to the upper reaches of the Burnett River, targeting king salmon and jewfish on livebait.

If you can throw a cast net, go down and get some fresh bait, keep them alive and then sit under the bridges either early morning or late afternoon/evening. When most boat traffic has gone for the day is when your big predatory fish will come out and hunt. Having a poddy mullet will certainly get some exciting runs and hopefully a kingy or jewy.

If you want to walk the sand flats and target some flathead and whiting then I will direct you to Skyringville just out off Burnett heads. This place on a run-out tide has plenty of sticks, snags – you name it – where you can hook up some quality fish. Some of the biggest flathead can be found in the shallows. Try twitching some of your favourite soft plastics to entice a flathead out and hang on! Good catches of whiting are being caught up there as well – just your humble prawn will do the trick.

Now that the water is finally warming up target those fast fighting mangrove jack in your estuary systems. Live baits or good suspending lures in gold or vibrant colours should do the trick.

Barra are definitely on at Lake Monduran, with good reports of metre-plus being taken on a variety of diving lures. Get in close to those sticks and snags – that’s where the barra will be.

Don’t forget, the first of the Coral Reef Finfish Closures will go from the 2nd to the 6th of October. This means that you cannot target any of the coral species. You can still target pelagics such as tuna, any of the mackerel species and snapper, so you can still go and fish the estuaries. The 2nd closure will be from the 31st October to 4th November.

Till next time,
Brett Robinson.