Fishing Reports

Fishing Report Sep 6th 2011

Well, the winds around the local Bundaberg area just won’t let up for the offshore fishing, so it has been a good time to do maintenance on the boats that usually head offshore.

The river fishing however, has been red hot with most or nearly all of the fish being caught on lures.

Fish Report - 5th August 2011

The Bundaberg area has seen an early run of school mackerel running along the coast. They are only small and you do have to measure some of them, as most are about 55cm, and with 50cm being the minimum you do have to be careful. They also have a bag limit of ten per person.

Here are a few tips to help you catch a schoolie mackerel.

If you are bait-fishing for a schoolie, you can’t go past pilchards for bait. I prefer the WA pilly as these are usually a firmer, shinier and fresher pilly. I also prefer a rig using 3 x 4/0 to 5/0 hooks ganged together, rigged on a length of 80lb mono trace line about 40cm long. I like the mono over wire as you’ll always catch more fish as the school mackeral can’t see it. Yes, you do occasionally get bitten off but you do catch more with the mono. I just think in the cleaner water the mackerel can see the wire sometimes and just shy away from the baits.

Fish Report - 5th August 2011

The Bundaberg area has seen an early run of school mackerel running along the coast. They are only small and you do have to measure some of them, as most are about 55cm, and with 50cm being the minimum you do have to be careful. They also have a bag limit of ten per person.

Here are a few tips to help you catch a schoolie mackerel.

If you are bait-fishing for a schoolie, you can’t go past pilchards for bait. I prefer the WA pilly as these are usually a firmer, shinier and fresher pilly. I also prefer a rig using 3 x 4/0 to 5/0 hooks ganged together, rigged on a length of 80lb mono trace line about 40cm long. I like the mono over wire as you’ll always catch more fish as the school mackeral can’t see it. Yes, you do occasionally get bitten off but you do catch more with the mono. I just think in the cleaner water the mackerel can see the wire sometimes and just shy away from the baits.



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